Hey guys!
With the Oculus Rift dropping in price permanently and also very attractive bundles for the Vive in combination with Black Friday coming up and steam sales I wanted to share what I've been up to maybe some of you guys are interested (Jonnie and Boorz especially).
I've gotten a force feedback steering wheel and a Rift a couple of months back and the thing is a blast!
Sim racing is amazing (especially in VR): cruise servers, race servers and online leagues not to mention just relaxing for a drive solo.
This is the sort of thing you can expect (video doesn't capture how it actually feels with the heatset on the head tho or how the wheel feels)
Aaaanyway, if you guys are interested be sure to pickup assetto corsa(with all dlcs; it really cheap) and maybe project cars 2 during black friday sales, a rift/vive (oculus is currently slightly better for simracing). You also need minimum 980ti/1070 gpu and a cheap entry level ffb wheel (recommend driving force gt used if you can get it for cheap or a new thrustmaster t150) or a logitech g29 (it's currently on sale on amazon). For driftuu and rallying you need a 3 pedal set, h-pattern shifter and a handbrake.
If you like driving even a little bit you will enjoy this big time.
As for VR I heard it's also a blast in flight sims and elite:d not to mention other VR shooty and stuff games.