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Re: Pétterzon - Paladin - Protection

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 16:17:22
by B00rz
Also I would like to add the reason I use divine protection after ardent defender has proced is because you lose the damage reduction you receive from it when you die and don't get it back for 2 mins, you only res with hakf your health back so using divine protection there makes the most sence, for all other times you should be keeping divine sheild up to help reduce damage.

If things start looking hairy I will pop divine protection put to me it is a wasted cooldown to do so as it means I can't use avenging wrath for 30 secs and I can't use lay on hands, I can't even use bubble hearth for those really bad moments =(

Also since jonnie has replied since I did this message I would still need to check his gear before I make a decision

Re: Pétterzon - Paladin - Protection

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 16:46:50
by Plirarlapar
Note that he doesn't have Lay on Hands bound either. He does however have Divine Intervention bound, which seems more like a waste of a bind than a tanking cd.
Can't make much sense out of what you are saying boorz xD

Re: Pétterzon - Paladin - Protection

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 16:59:57
by B00rz
It makes perfect sense pineapple if you know the mechanics of prot paladins =P

Re: Pétterzon - Paladin - Protection

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 17:34:25
by Plirarlapar
B00rz wrote:Also I would like to add the reason I use divine protection after ardent defender has proced is because you lose the damage reduction you receive from it when you die and don't get it back for 2 mins

Well fair enough, I don't know how ardent defender works so not much to add here.

B00rz wrote:for all other times you should be keeping divine sheild up to help reduce damage.

You mean to help wipe the raid? Am I missing a prot talent that doesn't make mobs ignore you when you use divine shield or?

B00rz wrote:If things start looking hairy I will pop divine protection put to me it is a wasted cooldown to do so as it means I can't use avenging wrath for 30 secs and I can't use lay on hands, I can't even use bubble hearth for those really bad moments =(

On the other hand, using Avenging Wrath will make you unable to use Lay on Hands or Divine Protection for 30 secs so I guess you don't use that either?

I'm on thin ice here since I don't really know anything about tanking, but it just sounds like an excuse to not enter the menu and bind your cds ^^

Also, sorry for derailing your apply Pétterzon xD

Re: Pétterzon - Paladin - Protection

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 17:41:42
by B00rz
I meant sacred shield not divine, they should name them more differently I use avenging wrath at the beginning of the fight, there would have to be something seriously wrong if I died in the first 30 secs of the fight and I have already explained why it is not bound it is to stop me causing forbearence accidently and locking out 2 other abilities I could otherwise be using

Re: Pétterzon - Paladin - Protection

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 17:44:27
by Petterzon
Hey people cool u could respond so fast. Just wanted to tell u I just reinstalled wow and havnt been so serious with all the binds havnt put any effort in it but I fixed it now looks little better. ... 173623.jpg

Divine Protection should ofc be binded I use it alot.

And Boorz will take ur advice and reglyph, we could maybe talk more about the spec if u want any changes.

Thanks for quick respond and just tell if you wanna know anything else.

Re: Pétterzon - Paladin - Protection

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 18:46:39
by Plirarlapar
You never gave "I might accidently use it" as a reason until now, but there we have it then =P
Seems like a lame excuse anyway, but you rarely fail at tanking so I guess it works for you.

Re: Pétterzon - Paladin - Protection

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 19:36:31
by Rza
Guess it comes down too personal preference at the end of the day, but I can't see any advantage to have it unbinded, the thought of not having guardian spirit, pain suppression or desperate prayer binded for shit hitting the fan moments pains me, it can literary be 1-2 secs of a difference, which is gamebreaking in 9 out of 10 situations where that happens.

Missclicking ain't really an excuse ethier if binds are configured with a bit of thought, I use the little ' thing above tab for those sort of abilites.

As pineapple put thought, just generally never an issue with your tanking and can't think of anyone who does a better job, so who am I to judge.

Re: Pétterzon - Paladin - Protection

PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 08:54:55
by B00rz
Sorry I'm going to have to decline, all we asked was for you to log out in your tanking gear and you cant even do that.

Re: Pétterzon - Paladin - Protection

PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 13:24:54
by King
from the looks of the screenshot he appears to be sat on around 40k hp unbuffed so that'd put his gear around the same mark as my pala's I imagine.