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Pétterzon - Paladin - Protection

PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 23:51:02
by Petterzon
Character Name: Pétterzon
Class: Paladin :paladin:
Spec: Protection

RL Name?

Age? (18+ Only)


Can you speak and understand English?
Yes I have no promblem understanding or speaking.

AE raids 3 times a week: Wed, Thurs, Sunday 20:30 - 23/24:00? Can you make these times? How many hours a day do you play?
yes, I play around 6hours aday atleast.

Have you got Vent/TS? We are a very sociable group and are always talking on TS/Vent, Although not mandatory are you prepared to Talk on TS/Vent (Not Just listen)?
yes I have no promblem talking.

Do you have any friends currently in the guild?

How did you find out about us? and what do you expect from our guild?
in trade channel

Talent Distribution (e.g. 18/0/53)?

Why are you this spec? Why have you Geared/Gemmed/Enchanted in a particular way? Explain?
its to mamximum ur threat/dps aswell for extra avoidness.

What would your normal rotation be on a raid boss fight to gain optimal DPS / Effective Healing / Threat generation?
well start with avenger sheild then for a fast taunt then just spam consectraion ,hammer of righterous, and most important keep holysheild/sacred sheild up.

List your current keybinds & Post a link to a screenshot of your UI (Screenshot Optional) ... 234505.jpg

What guild were/are you in previously/currently? Reasons for Leaving?
im migrated here from alliance so there is no known guilds but played with Lords Of the Ironhearts on stormreaver a very mature guild . their homepage.. got alot of raiding exeriance there. I left becouse i wanted to play with friends on horde side.

Prior raiding experience? (WOLTK only)
4/4 in icc10/25 havnt tried to new bosses yet thu.

We encourage members to actively use the forums, are you happy to do so?

Any Final words?
Nothing more then Im a great tank ppl never complain on me in raids.. I never whine on people etc. I will be a good pick if ur after a good and active tank.

WoW Armory Link: Pétterzon

Re: Pétterzon - Paladin - Protection

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 02:02:53
by Rza
Decent App.

Your call Boorz

Re: Pétterzon - Paladin - Protection

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 08:34:14
by Plirarlapar
He has not bound Divine Protection, the paladin equivalent of shield wall. Makes me wonder...

Re: Pétterzon - Paladin - Protection

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 11:19:59
by B00rz
Plirarlapar wrote:He has not bound Divine Protection, the paladin equivalent of shield wall. Makes me wonder...

I don't have mine bound to a key I only really use it if die so the healer can stop slacking. Can't check your armory atm as I'm at work and its like suicide trying to check it on my phone ill get back to you tonight when I'm at home.

Re: Pétterzon - Paladin - Protection

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 14:55:50
by Rza
Seems crazy not having it bound personally, surely a instant shield wall should be bound somewhere where it's close to mash it quicky if your about to die, having to move your mouse to click it will take like half a sec longer and some occassions the difference between life and death.

Also is it not a waste of a life saving cd by using it After another life saving cd? after your thing that saves you when you take a killing blow hits healers will be instantly casting heals on you, and you dieing will most likely come from a heal not landing with 1-0.5 secs left to go, at this point aswell you expect the natures swiftness, guardian, desperate prayer to be used? Of course theirs times when it will come in handy if a healer can't heal you for whatever reason guess that's really down to the tanks awareness of incoming heals and their postioning.

am just a stupid rogue but seems logical to bind it and use the cd's indvidually and have faith in ye healers

Re: Pétterzon - Paladin - Protection

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 15:11:30
by King
I have it bound on my pala, do i get bonus points =D ?

I'm not expert when it comes to prot pala's but there are probably a few points in that spec that could be better spent elsewhere, but generally there tend to be a few left over points from MUST HAVE talents anyway, so there's probably more room for talent choices than i believe, Boorz will comment on that later im sure =P

Can't tell about gear at the moment since you appear to have logged out in Holy PVP gear. I'd try and get back into PVE gear for around 18:00 server time since that is roughly when boorz will be able to look at this app in detail.

Re: Pétterzon - Paladin - Protection

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 15:18:13
by B00rz
Problem with binding it is the fact that we only really have 1 go at defensive cooldowns, everything causes forbearence now I mean its not bad enough that lay on hands has a 15min cooldown (glyphed) but that too causes forberence so I would rather use it when ardent defender has proced and that doesn't really require me to have it bound

Re: Pétterzon - Paladin - Protection

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 15:22:05
by Dimon
How often are you required to run when using Divine Protection tho? :p
So clicking it don't really make that much of a difference. It only free's up one of the easy to reach keys so that u can bind it to something else. :p

Re: Pétterzon - Paladin - Protection

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 15:51:25
by B00rz
Exactly dim.

Anyways checked your prot spec, I only checked it quickly on my phone so bear with me if I'm worng on some points only few suggestions I would make is take points out of reckoning its for farming not raiding. Divinity is nice but not needed as we generally have excellent healers

I wouldn't bother putting points into seals of the pure, yes 15% seal and judgment damage is nice but it is nothing compared to the extra damage you could be getting if you put more points into the ret tree. 5% extra crit and ALL damage increased by 6% against humanoids, demons and undead for 3 points in crusade is better especially since ICC is nothing but humanoids, demons and undead. It might be a crazy idea aswell but putting one point in seal of command is awesome for trash with the way the seal has been changed to proc a cleave on crit it is a brilliant seal to use with hammer of righteousness as it has the potential to hit 9 targets at once or 12 if you have it glyphed.

Speaking of glyphs drop the consecration glyph for the devine plea one as its 3% damage reduction while it. Is active and it should always be active and while your at it drop the kings minor glyph you don't exactly need to save mana on buffing instead go for the glyph of sence undead its only 1% damage increase against.undead but if you look at ICC It is nothing but undead and also when its combined with all the damage increases you already have from one handed weapon and crusade it makes quite a difference and should be used by all dps and tanking paladins.

Anyways my 2 cents ill have a proper look at your armory when I get back from work should be around 18:00 server time like jonnie said.

Re: Pétterzon - Paladin - Protection

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 16:12:21
by King
Well that pretty much confirmed what i thought he was going to say, maybe i'm getting a grasp of the whole prot thing after all ^^ and zomg a compliment about healers too. Can only assume you were talking about me though since linky is usually afk and sjaapke is more than likely playing with himself or val =P

I'm happy if you take a look at the suggested changes that boorz made there, [edit] and pending gear once your in pve gear.