Facecut - Paladin - Retribution

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Cobra Kai Apprentice
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Facecut - Paladin - Retribution

Postby Caboza » Wed Aug 26, 2009 00:14:34

Character Name: Facecut
Class: Paladin :paladin:
Spec: Retribution

RL Name



Can you speak/understand English?

Can you use Teamspeak?

Do you have any friends currently in the guild?

What do you expect from our guild?
Activity and progress

Talent Distrubution (e.g. 18/0/53)?
Different allways

Why are you this spec?
Is an off spec actually with about 5k dps on raids
Main is tank tho is my MS

What would say is your most valuable Spell/Ability/Move?
My Judgement of Vengance

What would your normal rotation be on a raid boss fight to gain optimal DPS / Effective Healing / Threat generation?
Eh this question should be for facerollers honestly ..
But the again leave nothing unused keep all offesive ability on cd :P

(DPS only) And what would you say is your average DPS on a single target Tank and Spank fight while fully raid buffed?
Yep as i mentioned up there for some reason its about 5k :)

Although we prefere you to play the spec you want to play, if needed are you prepared to respec in the best interests of the guild?
Sure if you need a tank .. pro one imediatly but as healer i would preffer because i kind of rly suck

What guild were/are you in previously/currently? Reasons for Leaving?
With this pala i was on only and left because i joined with hunter , then had to make my alt to a main just so they can have a pro tank and i don\'t take threats rly well when i am the one helping out only :/

Time /played?
Phuh .. about a month on this character I\'m applying for

Prior raiding experience
Uld10 yog left
and up to the faction champions on toct 3/5
anything below that i\'ve done em all

Does our current raiding schedule fit you ? (tue thu 20h30-23h00/30 sun 20h00-23h00/30)

Any Final Words
And i am not gonna pay that gold to pinnapple..(and honestly fix ur damn name none can spell it right).. You never accepted the challenge :P

WoW Armory Link: Facecut

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Re: Facecut - Paladin - Retribution

Postby Talho » Thu Aug 27, 2009 16:31:23

I'm up for giving him a trail :> thoughts ?
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Jean-Claude Van Damme
Jean-Claude Van Damme
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Re: Facecut - Paladin - Retribution

Postby B00rz » Thu Aug 27, 2009 16:56:36

Why did we get rid of you in the first place on your hunter or did you just leave can't seem to remember


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