Gravedigga - Paladin - Retribution

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Cobra Kai Apprentice
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Gravedigga - Paladin - Retribution

Postby Gravedigga » Sun Apr 04, 2010 20:05:01

Character Name: Gravedigga
Class: Paladin :paladin:
Spec: Retribution

RL Name?
Marcus Björk.

18 and 3 months :)


Can you speak and understand English?
Yes i can

AE raids 3 times a week: Wed, Thurs, Sunday 20:30 - 23/24:00? We expect 100% Raid attendance on these nights can you make these times okay?
Yes i can if im not dead or very sick but in that case i would never sign up for the raid from the start if i sign then ill come with flasks and all ready.

Have you got Teamspeak3 ? We are a very sociable group and are always talking on TS3, Although not mandatory are you prepared to Talk on TS/Vent (Not Just listen)?
Yes i can, Tho ive had some breaks on my mic but it semse to work good now ive been spoken in skype for all day long.

Do you know or have any friends currently in the guild? If not do you know a player (such as an ex-GM/Officer) we could approach to enquire about you? (optional)
i know nobody in guild jet, but i hope i do in the soon future.

How did you find out about us? and what do you expect from our guild?
Ive heard you guys were a good progress guild and progressed icc 25 / 10 witch im looking for tierd of pugging and just going 4 bosses then finito,
what i expect from you guys is, Raiding spot, Lots of Fun, and good and social friends.

Talent Distribution (e.g. 18/0/53)?
Im playing retri in Main specc since ive been dpsin for 3 years now as a paladin i just enjoy it, Atm im playing with 5/11/55, Since im playing some pvp to with that specc, But it works damn fine in PvE to, Trust me.
allso got Prot for OS, But not full geared there yet.

Why are you this spec? Why have you Geared/Gemmed/Enchanted in a particular way? Explain?
Ive choosen to go for Full on Str with Gems since that's what i need, ive enchanted as any other melee class simple with Berserking on my wep since it has a chance to proc alot and give me 400ap, Otherwise it's AP/crit and some agi to, to get even more Crit.

What would your normal rotation be on a raid boss fight to gain optimal DPS / Effective Healing / Threat generation?
Start of with a crusader strike then hit the boss with judgement of wisdom then i do a Divine storm, and if Crusader strike still is on CD i pull out a consecration, But normally at start i Wings + Trinket beacuse normally a boss takes more then 2 minute and then i can use my CD's 2 times. When all spells on CD i use exorsicm

What guild were/are you in previously/currently? Reasons for Leaving?
Legendz, A bunch of IRL mates made it for raiding icc 10, But as ive mention before i wanna progress icc 10/25 my current guild whon´t even get a full group for icc 10, so thats kinda sad :(

Prior raiding experience? (WOLTK only)
Naxx 10/25
Voa 10/25
OS 10/25 + 3d on both.
Uld 10/25 not the last 4 bosses tho, toke a break there.
Toc 10/25 (2 bosses in 10man hc)
Icc 10/25 First wing, But im 100% sure on the tacts for all other bosses.
so thats not an problem.

We encourage members to actively use the forums, are you happy to do so?
Yes, I'm one of the persons of check the forum every day to look out for mabey some news, or anything else.

Post a link to a screenshot of your UI? (Optional) ... 210025.jpg now posted a working link, sry for the old one tho :(

Post a link to any previous WoL Raid Reports of DPS/HPS? (Optional)
Not Completed By Applicant

Any Final Words? (Your chance to to tell us a bit about you)
Im from sweden liveing with my mom dad sister, Shareing the internet connection with my sister, but shes on wireless, and im useing cable. Ehm... Im mature for my ages normally people say people in my age ain´t that mature, but i normally hear.
Oh are you only 18? i thought you were 20. That makes me happy haha xD
Anyways hope i can become a part of your community and raid with you guys.
Best Regards ~Gravedigga~

WoW Armory Link: Gravedigga

Jean-Claude Van Damme
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Re: Gravedigga - Paladin - Retribution

Postby B00rz » Mon Apr 05, 2010 18:37:18

logged out in full PVP gear, change gear and post back when you have


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Cobra Kai Apprentice
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Re: Gravedigga - Paladin - Retribution

Postby Gravedigga » Mon Apr 05, 2010 19:07:57

B00rz wrote:logged out in full PVP gear, change gear and post back when you have

woopps... sry ive logged out in my Pve Gear now.
Best Regards ~Gravedigga~

Jean-Claude Van Damme
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Re: Gravedigga - Paladin - Retribution

Postby B00rz » Fri Apr 09, 2010 17:18:26

Sorry for not gettting back to you sooner mate, I have a tendency to just skim over the new posts on the forum while on my phone while at work and forgot about you when I got back home to my computer =P

Your gear seems a bit behind for what we are needing, you only have 2 264 pieces which is understandable as you said your guild doesnt raid full 10man let alone 25man but we are nearing getting the lich king down in 25man and I fear that if you did join you will most likely be relegated to the bench and would only see a raid if half the guild dropped out of a raid night (which does happen, but not very often =P)

While I've got your attention you need an enchant on your boots, I think Icewalker is the prefered choice for melee dps on boots. Also I dont know why you have a +10 Armor Penetration +15 stam gem in your gear, I havent read up on ret paladins in a couple of months but im pretty sure that armor penetration isnt really all that great for a paladin, the stuff you get off gear is more than enough dont need to gem and enchant for it as Paladin damage is holy and doesn't get resisted only reduced due to lack of hit and expertise.

Other than that you seem fine, you have a decent spec (although there really isnt any thought needed to for ret specs =P) and decent glyphs and im quite pleased because you are the first DPS paladin that has applied that actually uses the sense undead minor glyph!

We'll see what the other officers think but unfortunately I'm going to have to decline for now until you can get a few more 264 pieces.


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Jason Statham
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Re: Gravedigga - Paladin - Retribution

Postby Rza » Fri Apr 09, 2010 18:57:02

Am with Boorz on this one, gonna have to decline, I feel your a step behind our current Ret Pala's and we don't desperately need any more plate DPS barring a Unholy DK.

Apologies, and thanks for the application.

A life, Jimmy. You know what that is? It’s the shit that happens while you’re waiting for moments that never come.

Cobra Kai Apprentice
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Re: Gravedigga - Paladin - Retribution

Postby Gravedigga » Fri Apr 09, 2010 19:35:02

B00rz wrote:Sorry for not gettting back to you sooner mate, I have a tendency to just skim over the new posts on the forum while on my phone while at work and forgot about you when I got back home to my computer =P

Your gear seems a bit behind for what we are needing, you only have 2 264 pieces which is understandable as you said your guild doesnt raid full 10man let alone 25man but we are nearing getting the lich king down in 25man and I fear that if you did join you will most likely be relegated to the bench and would only see a raid if half the guild dropped out of a raid night (which does happen, but not very often =P)

While I've got your attention you need an enchant on your boots, I think Icewalker is the prefered choice for melee dps on boots. Also I dont know why you have a +10 Armor Penetration +15 stam gem in your gear, I havent read up on ret paladins in a couple of months but im pretty sure that armor penetration isnt really all that great for a paladin, the stuff you get off gear is more than enough dont need to gem and enchant for it as Paladin damage is holy and doesn't get resisted only reduced due to lack of hit and expertise.

Other than that you seem fine, you have a decent spec (although there really isnt any thought needed to for ret specs =P) and decent glyphs and im quite pleased because you are the first DPS paladin that has applied that actually uses the sense undead minor glyph!

We'll see what the other officers think but unfortunately I'm going to have to decline for now until you can get a few more 264 pieces.

well as u say i don´t really know it either just realised tbh... :P
but ill come back when i got better gear, Thanks for responding mates and Good luck have fun with raiding :)
Best regards ~Gravedigga~

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