Bagel - Priest - Holy

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Cobra Kai Apprentice
Cobra Kai Apprentice
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Bagel - Priest - Holy

Postby Bagel » Thu Aug 20, 2009 17:57:56

Character Name: Bagel
Class: Priest :priest:
Spec: Holy

RL Name



Can you speak/understand English?
Yes, It is my first and Only Language :>

Can you use Teamspeak?
Yeah - Also have a Mic and im afraid to communicate during raids and outside of raids in social situations!

Do you have any friends currently in the guild?
Not at the moment, Im pretty new the frostmane therefore I havn\'t made many friends ./lonely.

What do you expect from our guild?
3 Days a Week, Non Pressure Raiding with Good Results - A Guild community where people dont just Logout outside of Raid times, but instead communicate and take part in other events.

Talent Distrubution (e.g. 18/0/53)?
14/57/0 Holy
13/0/58 Shadow (Offspec - Grinding/Some PvE Pug\'s When i Get Bored Etc/BG Melting)

Why are you this spec?
Holy - I Play this spec as it is pretty much the cookie cutter holy spec, or so I have found - I firstly chose a build that included Test of Faith (12% Healing on Targets Below 50% 3/3) But felt I would gain more by Swapping those points into Increased Radius and Range on my AOE Heals.

What would say is your most valuable Spell/Ability/Move?
Shoot Wand!! Lolz I maek joke. Probably PoM or PoH.

PoM - Excellent Healing Per Mana - Preventitive Healing Spell and It heals away while Im casting Otherspells, Pretty Straightforward but Uber Pr0!

PoH - BEASTLY HEALS YO - This is the shit in raid damage fights =D

What would your normal rotation be on a raid boss fight to gain optimal DPS / Effective Healing / Threat generation?
Ive played many healing classes in WoW, All of them infact and I\'d say Rotation doesnt exist exactly unlike DPS Classes. Therefore this category is pretty hard for me to Answer, But I guess I can give a few examples of my play style which I feel maximise my Healing.

When the tank Pulls, I normally start with PoM (This builds threat for the tank, not for me - This means that Im not gonna get wtfpwned and he is), Pretty simple. When the tank drops after the PoM has jumped, hit him with an Empowered renew. This Instantly heals for around 2.1k Crit and then begins Ticking - I dont want to apply this spell during PoM as it wastes duration as the tank is tophealed at this time and therefore that is Less Mana Efficient healing. (Not Groundbreaking Stuff but atleast I feel im telling I know how to play the best I can)

Then there\'s the mechanics etc, Trying to maintain 3 Flash Heals followed by a PoH or a Great Heal when possible to get the fastest and most effective healing.

(DPS only) And what would you say is your average DPS on a single target Tank and Spank fight while fully raid buffed?
(I know it says DPS Only) In Shadowform I can pull around 4k on Patchwerk I think, that was the last Time i checked anyway. So Offspec is no problem for me.

Although we prefere you to play the spec you want to play, if needed are you prepared to respec in the best interests of the guild?
Yeah im not afraid of trying new things, Id like to give Disc healing a go at some point but havn\'t really got Bored of Holy yet. But if needs be then needs be!

What guild were/are you in previously/currently? Reasons for Leaving?
No Hesitation on Frostmane - New 10 Man Guild i discovered when migrating to the server, Started raiding ulduar 10 with them as soon as I dinged 80, Managed all but Vezax and Yogg and then I became Healing Class Leader, pretty awesomsauce I thought! but then the Leader got his account hacked and is now unable to lead the guild properly. Therefore it disbanded.

Time /played?

Across all my Char\'s its gotta be something like. Over a Year and a Half

Jesus I hate myself.

My Priest tho is 71 Days - 3.5 Days at Level 80

Prior raiding experience
Ive played this game at a High level since Open Beta - Pre TBC I Did a full game Clear killing Kel\'thuzad in Naxx40 about 3 weeks before TBC Hit. It was a Late kill but damn it was a good one :>

TBC - 5/9 BT 5/5 MH - Bit Gutted I never made sunwell but I was taking it easy back then.

WotLk - Sarth 3D, All the Standard Raids and Ulduar up to Vezax.

Does our current raiding schedule fit you ? (tue thu 20h30-23h00/30 sun 20h00-23h00/30)
Aye Sir, couldnt be more perfect in fact - The Missus is at Netball on a thursday, Sunday i tell her to go home and Tuesday im sure I can fob her off with some excuse - YEA BOI - I Work until 3pm GMT, So I have plenty of time to prepare for raids etc when I get in.

Any Final Words
Errrr! Not Really - I think you will be impressed with how quickly I have geared up, and I hope you don\'t think this is luck but reflects more on my Attitude towards Raiding in WoW (Ive geared up quickly on many characters). I also have high level Alchemy. I actually feel this is one of the best proffessions Ive had to support my raiding - 2h Flasks and Unlimited Mana Pots are just Lololololol!

Cheers for taking the time read my Wall of Text, I hope I didnt crit too hard


WoW Armory Link: Bagel

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Re: Bagel - Priest - Holy

Postby Talho » Thu Aug 20, 2009 18:30:58

good apply, gear is a bit bad atm. But I'm gonna give you a trial since you seem like a nice guy and you know what you're doing

oh btw they changed PoM in WotLK it doesnt give aggro anymore. Not for the caster or the guy who has it.

whisper me ingame and ill give you an invite
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