Gembesh - Death Knight - Unholy

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Gembesh - Death Knight - Unholy

Postby Guest » Wed Mar 31, 2010 00:08:17

Character Name: Gembesh
Class: Death Knight :dk:
Spec: Unholy

RL Name?



Can you speak and understand English?
Yes i can both of it

AE raids 3 times a week: Wed, Thurs, Sunday 20:30 - 23/24:00? We expect 100% Raid attendance on these nights can you make these times okay?
Yes, those and another days and time 2 if needed...

Have you got Teamspeak3 ? We are a very sociable group and are always talking on TS3, Although not mandatory are you prepared to Talk on TS/Vent (Not Just listen)?
Yes i have and i can listen/talk/have fun/play music or whatever the conversation is about in the moment.. :)

Do you know or have any friends currently in the guild? If not do you know a player (such as an ex-GM/Officer) we could approach to enquire about you? (optional)
Hm...just listed guild memebrs, and i only saw 3 players (Kribtz, Balor, Kanta) i can remember i was in some raids, and i know Kribtz is very good JC`er i think...

How did you find out about us? and what do you expect from our guild?
I saw few weeks ago a recruting note on trade chat, noticed good friendly mood and behavior from lot of AE members (help, tips, etc...) in raids, and chat window...and to be honest it`s not mistery that this guild is one of top ranked guilds on Frostmane`s not hard to notice it, but u had my full atention after the recruiment note! I want to say something about expection of After Effect as a guild but i don`t know how to do that and not to be missunderstood! :) From guild as guild i don`t expect nothing from help aspect ofc, i expect from people in it and that`s good fun only, nicely behavior, and everything else that makes ppl smile and have good time spent in game and especialy in guild... Realy, fun of playing it and get known with people, start good friendships is the most inportant thing, too me at least... :)

Talent Distribution (e.g. 18/0/53)?
1: Unholy 14/0/57
2: Unholy 0/17/54 (pvp)

Why are you this spec? Why have you Geared/Gemmed/Enchanted in a particular way? Explain?
When i started to play WoW (6 months ago) i wanted to catch up with some irl friends as soons as possible, so i chose DK cuz it`s easiest class to lvl. On the begining i wanted to tank and i was blood speced, but the i just config that tanking it`s just not ME, i always wanted to do dmg, smack enemies in every way so...i decided to respec and go dps (o yeah 1 more thing: imo that DK`s are more dps class than tanking cuz of 1 and only buff - Horn of Winter that gives you strenght and agility instead of stamina and defense for example or something...)
Watched and red some threads and forums about which spec to chose for dps, tried few combinations in whole 3 speces blood/frost/and unholy, tried dps on dummies and in raids and saw that unholy is definetly the best dps spec for dk`s so i speced things, used gems and enchants that i thought are most important with some forum tips ofc.... and here i am :)

What would your normal rotation be on a raid boss fight to gain optimal DPS / Effective Healing / Threat generation?
the normal one would be:
Single target: Plague Strike, Icy Touch, Blood Strike, Blood Strike, Scourge Strike. Death Coil (Death Coil), Scourge Strike (Horn of Winter), Scourge Strike, Scourge Strike, Death Coil (Death Coil), and again PS, IT...
And if we talking about trash (aoe dmg) it`s pretty much same instead of first Blood Strike i use Pestilence, and put up Blood Boil few times... i don`t use Death and Decay that much since it has high amount of threat, i mean i pop it up, but rarely...
Using everything it needs for dps improvement in raids such as flasks, pots for now, and lvling cooking btw....

What guild were/are you in previously/currently? Reasons for Leaving?
I was in to say "local guild" that few of mine irl friends made "KAKO OCES" and "Catacomb", and they are still active but not seriouse enough with raiding and recruting more members to make some progress better than 6/12 in 10man raid, i mean they are still my friends, we still play from LAN pc club sometimes, but if we talking about progress in raids which is secondary important, after having good time and hanging around they are far away from going for more.... And i was in Extra Ordinary wich no longer exist since GM left and merged to Aliance... ?!? Still dunno why`s that happened realy, he just left one day O.o

Prior raiding experience? (WOLTK only)
Hm this is tricky question for a person that started to play game 6 months ago, but if this means for me to tell which instances i played that would be pretty much every except NaX (done only first two bosses i think for weekly quests) and EoS or something. I`ve done full Ony, Totc, Totgc 10man (4/5) and realy know tacts for last boss and for 25man (either i think there are no changes except in boss health/dmg), full VoA, and Icc 10/25man (6/12) and know some other tacts (Proffesor and LadyDeathwisper), have also read for others but didn`t played, and watched friend from Twisting Nethers`s 3rd ranked guild when they fight Sindragosa and LK...

We encourage members to actively use the forums, are you happy to do so?
Yeah i am fine with it...i am not some kind of a writter on them but if i see some good and interesting thread i like to read it and place comment ofcourse :) I would be glad to help on forums ofcourse if anyone need any tips, help of any kind...

Post a link to a screenshot of your UI? (Optional)
Erm...i don`t have any at the moment but as soon as i print i`ll post it, either it`s pretty much simple to be honest...
It`s standard Blizzard UI mostly (tried with Bartender4 addon, but i realy used to standard ones so i decided not to change anything)! Using recount, gearscore (if i make raids) either i don`t belive much in that one (realy want to belive people have brains but the sad part is: there is so small number of them if we talking about pugs) :(, quartz, OmniCC, DeaddlyBossMode and Gladius when i play arena...

Post a link to any previous WoL Raid Reports of DPS/HPS? (Optional)
Again, as soon as i make one i`ll post it. Since the most common raid now is ICC10/25 my dps is:
AOE 8-10k
ST 7-7.5k
AOE 10-12k
ST 8-8.5k

Any Final Words? (Your chance to to tell us a bit about you)
hm...don`t have much to say about me. 25 year old guy yhat like to play games, and resarch, improve knowlage in Computer tehnologies (not a freak! :)) ), make pretty much common life, work from 08h - 15-16h, watching some tv after or take a short nap, playing soccer and Basketball with friends 3-4 days a week, and in evening hours log in WoW and that`s pretty much it... :) Still not married, don`t have girlfriend atm (don`t need another spam for now, :P ), like sports, traveling, make fun with friends, telling jokes, laughing, sitting on bench in evening hours sometimes drinking bear...or get out at friday/saturday and stay in club until 03h, after party later in some flat or lakehouse... :)) and we all know what is happening in after parties.. :Pp etc etc
O yeah and 1 more question: When can i get in? :))
Either i don`t be accepted, i wanted to thanks for concidering me, sorry for taking your time with this aplication, no hard feeling ofcourse and be sure i`ll make another pally in short period :))) o yeah did i mention that i don`t quit easily? :Pp cya in game i hope....later :)

WoW Armory Link: Gembesh

Cobra Kai Apprentice
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Re: Gembesh - Death Knight - Unholy

Postby Markone » Wed Mar 31, 2010 00:52:19

" I want to say something about expection of After Effect as a guild but i don`t know how to do that and not to be missunderstood! "
Made mistake here, i ment "expectations" :)

About raiding experience, forgot to mantion Ulduar 25 ( ~50% of instance), and of all daily hc`s
Was a bit sleepy when i wrote there are prolly some other mistakes...those are that i saw when i rolled back of thread :)
goin` to bed now for sure... :|

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Re: Gembesh - Death Knight - Unholy

Postby Rza » Wed Mar 31, 2010 01:06:47

Hi mate, appreciate the application.

Can see you've put a lot of effort into the application, your english however worries me a bit. Its not so much that its bad, its your coming across as though your trying a bit too hard to impress, and actually to the point where your coming across as a needy, overly polite, 101 million questions type of player, which get on everyone's nerves. - Which I dont actually think you are.

Problem also being Unholy, theirs only one raid spot going for an unholy DK and our DK class is unholy, but I believe he wants to switch to blood, so am gonna leave it in his hands whether your accepted for a trial or not.


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Re: Gembesh - Death Knight - Unholy

Postby Dimon » Wed Mar 31, 2010 01:10:06

Specc blood now.

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Re: Gembesh - Death Knight - Unholy

Postby Zen » Wed Mar 31, 2010 10:00:35

see nothing wrong in this guy joining in tbh, i can go blood but dunno how the dps charts gona look since i havent looked in to that specc, or we just bring 2 unholy dk´s to 25mans and 1 to each 10 man later on.

on the other note i looked at your gemming m8 and you should change the Meta gem to 21agi / 3% increase dmg and change all blue gems to solid red with 20str on them since you have the 10stats gem in the belt wich is all you need for that meta gem so you gain more ap. Other than that gear looks fine and im happy to give him trial.
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Re: Gembesh - Death Knight - Unholy

Postby Zen » Wed Mar 31, 2010 11:17:30

Just found out that this dk is a ninja so he wont be getting in here.

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Re: Gembesh - Death Knight - Unholy

Postby Markone » Wed Mar 31, 2010 14:07:39

Ninja? Wtf? Never ninjaed anything m8, haven`t even made raids that much tbh... And when i did, i could ninja everything almost everytime, trust me! But i didn`t because of the thing i wrote in apply (about make relations with ppl and friendships, which is much important than fking WoW items) Don`t know who told you that stupid story, although yeah, i was in 1 raid 3 weeks ago, where i got disconnect 4-5 times in a row (tried to get back in every time), and after 5th i could not log in anymore cuz i got account expired message! Two days after that i logged in and got /w from 3-4 persons that i ninjaed Death Choice... :shock: I was confused cuz i didn`t had that item in my inventory at all (although i would be happy if i saw it there trust me), and the most strange thing is: i wasn`t even leader of that raid... However, after 3 weeks, 4 days ago to be precise, i overrolled 6 or 7 peopple with roll of 100 for it, got it (surprised ofcourse) and thought "The justice is fking satisfied"
I am aware of the fact the 90% of you who will read this aint gonna belive it. The only thing i can count on is that u guys are not immature kids, like half of the server is, so i hope u can give me a chance as ME to prove something and not always to be guided by "Been there, done that" ppl that don`t have better and smarter things to do then spaming /2 about someone ninjaed something! I know for me that i didn`t done anything like that, i am a bit "old" for that kind of sh*t don`t u think? I like to play games and hanging around with bunch of different people, in game, on vent/teamspeak, but to get improved in WoW, with items (even if that means to ninja them) ??? C`mon, realy... it`s way too much....
However thanks for the time u guys spent on reading this and the apply thread. Hope i`ll have a chance in future (if not now) to prove that it`s not everything in WoW items like planty of people think it is, and hope i`ll make some friendships, specialy with guys that are not guided by stories instead of get knowing someone from himself :) No offense but it`s not fer realy...
Thanks for the DK tips Nariel :)
Later all ;)

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Re: Gembesh - Death Knight - Unholy

Postby Markone » Wed Mar 31, 2010 14:58:59

Oh excuse me, one more thing i have to say:
If i am ninja as someone told i am don`t u guys think that i would have, erm, much more lvl264 items and much better gearscore than 5816? I mean, i would ninja Bryntroll, DeathBringers`s Will and Tokens for improved t10 rather then Death Choice, don`t u think? Opposite to that, people still join my raids...
I am sorry for flooding the thread, it`s just i could not find "edit" option, if there is any at all... :shock:

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Re: Gembesh - Death Knight - Unholy

Postby Jupsik » Wed Mar 31, 2010 15:41:30

After the replay we just got, do u really think we would reconsider? If the replay would be a nice short explanation about the lag etc, then i'd understand.. it could happen that u dc and could not log back in, we've had it ourselves a few times..
No from me.

Boorz! i demand a new sig :D
Request granted!

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Re: Gembesh - Death Knight - Unholy

Postby Dimon » Wed Mar 31, 2010 16:20:44

So I hurd RS ninja'd Bryntrawlz?


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